Wednesday September 6th
Registration commences at 08:30
Oral & Rapid Oral Communications 09:00 - 17:30
Lunch & Poster Session 1 12:35 - 14:35
Thursday September 7th
Oral & Rapid Oral Communications 08:30 - 17:35
Lunch & Poster Session 12:45 - 14:45
Conference Dinner: 19:30 (reserved & pre-paid only)
Friday September 8th
Oral & Rapid Oral Communications 08:45 - 15:00
Close of meeting 15:00
We expect the meeting will finish in time to allow you to catch a return flight on Friday evening so you don't need an extra night in Trieste - unless you want more time to enjoy this lovely city!
IMAP 2023 is organised by Peptide Conferences in collaboration with the University of Trieste. For more information about other meetings visit the main Peptide Coferences website.
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